Country Road

Lighting Design & Creative

Lighting Design | Systems Design | Production | Film

I had been a long time admirer of Country Road as a brand. To shoot for Country Road was a creative bucket list for me.  were inspired by their simple design process. The earthy aesthetic. The products that would last, unlike some of our current fast turn over fashion brands. As a young creative, I would see their campaigns shot by visionary Australian photographer Richard Bailey and would consider one day contributing to this vision. 

So I called them and was invited in to discuss current creative systems.

A new process was needed for their online store. Motion footage was fast becoming a large component of online and instore sales. Having intricate knowledge of web design and both motion and stills it seemed the right fit. I began by designing a constant lighting system using HMI lights for their studio that would enable both stills and motion capture in house. And further set about training in house photographers to shoot high volume catalogue photography.

More Projects

Think Organise Do
Chester Brix
B&T Magazine
Sunshine Coast Design Strategy
Sunshine Coast Design Brand
Entrance Hall
Country Road